Fire Protection Services

Monthly Meetings: 6:30 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (unless a holiday) at the Spencertown Fire Company. 

District Fire Chiefs:

  • Chief Bill Rogers
  • 1st Assistant Chief Evan Kerr
  • 2nd Assistant Chief Christopher Rundell

The Austerlitz Fire District is located in the State of New York, County of Columbia, Town of Austerlitz. The Fire District was organized in 1932 as a district corporation pursuant to NYS Law for the purpose of providing fire protection. The Fire District is about 48 sq. miles in size with a population of approximately 1,600 residents. The Austerlitz Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. and the Spencertown Fire Company, Inc., are located within the Fire District and provide active firefighters for fire protection operations.

The authority for the organization and operation of the Fire District is set forth in the NYS Town Law. The authority for the Fire District’s exercise of control over the formation, organization, and operation of the constituent companies comprising the fire companies of the Fire District through the Board of Fire Commissioners, is set forth in the Town Law and Not-for-Profit Corporation Law of the State of New York.

Pursuant to NYS law, in addition to appointing fire chiefs to oversee active firefighters, fire training, fire equipment and emergency operations of the district fire companies, the Fire District is organized to: save lives, suppress and control fires, provide basic/support emergency medical services, fire prevention education, hazardous materials response, public assistance during natural emergencies and other activities as deemed to be in the best interest of the residents of the fire district.